I'd rather do more work now, for a better experience for my users. I do hear that people have had some issues with the Windows 10. The client we would still probably manually configure. The Windows 10 would be simpler for us as we could configure and push out via Group Policy.

I'm looking for some advice on which route to take with the FortiGate. Users are still presented with a login box, and on the back end, we have it configured were their profile must be part of a specific security group, which gives me one additional layer of security, even if it's fairly minor. We are small enough of a company that we typically just manually configure for each user. It's pretty simple, allows us to configure the client to auto launch with Windows and auto connect. With Sonicwall we've always used a client. I'm told there's an optional vpn client, or we could go with the Windows 10 built in. We are looking at upgrading our firewall, migrating over from a Sonicwall that's end of life. Sharing dumps violates a reddit global rule and may result in a site-wide ban. Posting brain or answer dumps for Fortinet certifications is prohibited as they are copyrighted material. What you have already tried as part of your troubleshooting process.Version and type of software being impacted (i.e.Some examples of useful information are the following: Next, please provide us as much information about your problem as you possibly can. If you're having a problem with a Fortinet product, first, make sure you submit your request to Fortinet TAC if you have a valid support contract.

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